
November 14, 2015

Gift in a Jar

Want a gift with that extra bit of oomph?? Check out Gift in a Jar... 

Gift in a Jar is a relatively new concept that grew out of two women's passion for creative gifts, Dalia and Caroline. This past Mother's Day, Dalia gifted moms manicure sets in jars and when she saw their reaction, realized the full potential of what it could become.

Dalia & Caroline with their Gift- filled Jars

They spent all summer compiling beautiful jars for all age groups and genders. They include Spa in a  Jar, Tool Kit in a Jar, Baking Jars, Arts & Crafts, to name a few. With products sourced both locally and online, the possibilities are endless! They even offer empty Money jars for the gift of money.

The Sewing Jar

Spa in a Jar

The Baby Jar

Arts& Crafts Jars

My favourite Jar -The Giveaway Jar which can be filled 
with anything that you like based on your chosen theme 

To order a Gift in a Jar, visit their Facebook Page HERE 

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