
January 29, 2014

FABULOUS Dream Closets

I have always dreamed to have an amazing walk in closet- the kind where all of my stuff is laid out beautifully and I can keep older items that I love even if I don't wear them anymore. A kind of happy place that is just mine! 

Over the years, I can't tell you how many times I have had to throw out (or give away) perfectly beautiful clothes and shoes just because there was no more space for them in my closets. Or how I wear the same outfits everyday simply because I can't find any of the other items in my closet. The most items that I have difficulty throwing out are my handbags and I've kept almost ALL of them - even if I haven't carried them in ages.

Even if you don't have too much space for a walk in closet, here is some inspiration to storing your fabulous fashion items. These closets are what dreams are made of! Enjoy :)

Imagine having this much space for shoes!
(Mariah Carey's closet)

(All photos were taken from Pinterest)

Which closet is your favourite?

1 comment:

  1. hey Tala, I tagged you in the Great expectation tag, do check it out here :)


I look forward to reading your comments :)