
October 22, 2013

Competition Alert: I'm giving away Giorgio Armani SI perfume bottles!

I am giving away 5 bottles of Giorgio Armani's new perfume SI! It is a lovely scent with notes of cassis nectar, modern chypre, and light musky wood. I find it very light and sweet and the perfect scent to wear everyday.

How to WIN
SI means YES in Italian. All you have to do is tell me what you say SI to! It can be absolutely anything. (For example: Love, life, myself, shopping, fashion, vacation, travel, etc)

1) 'LIKE' MySmallObsessions on FaceBook & Instagram

2) Tell me your SI in the comments section below, on FB, or Instagram

3) Tag @mysmallobsessions #GiorgioArmani #SIto(your si)
e.g.  Si to Fashion would be:
Si to Fashion @mysmallobsessions #giorgioarmani #SItoFashion 

4) Provide your email address with your answer so I can contact the winners :)

Winners will be chosen completely at Random



  1. Liked your page on FB and following on Instagram.

    I say SI to Family, smiling faces of my sons, hugging daddy and yummy food of my mummy :)

  2. Si to Education & Learning. I just graduated now and planning to further my skills more. Learning never ends & self-education is the key to freedom and leading a better life. @mysmallobsessions #giorgioarmani #SItoEducation

    Email: itzme.insi(at)


I look forward to reading your comments :)