
February 8, 2013

Almay Makeup Eraser Sticks

I recently came across a WONDER makeup product that I HAD to share with you! You know when you are doing your makeup and it looks fabulous and then you accidentally slip up?! You mistakenly flip out the eyeliner of one eye more than the other, or your mascara smudges on your eyelid, or something so trivial but you panic? I used to use a cotton bud soaked in a little makeup remover but would end up with a big bare hole soI had to improvise and do that eye all over again.

That's until I found ALMAY makeup eraser Sticks. Each stick is like a cotton bud but with a much narrower cotton than a regular cotton bud. Inside the plastic part is Almay oil free eye makeup remover. You dab it on the mistake and poof, its gone. With BARELY any damage! Its amazing and I completely understand how it made the list for Allure Best of Beauty in 2011 & 2012! I can't do my makeup without it anymore! 

The only negative thing I found about this product is that the remover dries out fast so you can only use each stick for one application. I combat this by stocking up on 3 boxes of 24 sticks at a time! :)

Are there any beauty products you LOVE and would like to share?

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