
September 3, 2012

Kerastase Huile Celeste

This summer I discovered a product from Kerastase's Soleil line that is incredible for hair: Huile Celeste shimmering protective mist for sun-exposed hair. 
I sprayed this oil on my hair before I swam to protect it from harmful UV rays and chlorine and when I brushed it after swimming, it was smoother than ever and was so easy to brush through. No need for anti-frizz... magic! It also contains shimmer so your hair actually sparkles in the sun. This product is so amazing that every single one of my friends and family that have tried it from me ended up buying it! 
Unfortunately, and very stupidly I might add, salons in the UAE and the Middle East are not selling it yet so you have to purchase it from Europe or from their USA site here

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